Concise and Meaningful Summaries

Transform lengthy conversations into actionable summaries.

Quickly grasp the essence of your audio content with our advanced summarization feature. Extract key points and insights efficiently to drive informed decisions.

Your Ultimate Call Center Solution


Capture the Essence of Conversations

Our summarization technology distills lengthy dialogues into concise, meaningful summaries. This allows you to focus on the most important information, making it easier to extract actionable insights and make informed decisions.

  • Efficiency
  • Clarity
  • Actionable Insights
  • Time-Saving
Summarize your conversations seamlessly


Summarize your conversations seamlessly

Hits Summarization feature enables the summarization of conversations, ensuring that you can easily access and understand the key points of each interaction. This feature is designed to enhance the efficiency of your operations by providing a concise overview of each conversation, allowing you to quickly identify every dialog in your lengthy ERP or CRM records.


Every Summary can be refined

HITS' Summarization lets you customize the summary to suit your needs. You can choose the level of detail you want to include in the summary, ensuring that you get the information you need without any unnecessary clutter.

Every Summary can be refined